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Animated GIFs created for the social justice agency TaskForce from September 2020 - February 2021.

Agency website can be visited here at

2020 election gif created by jimmy arca
vote early gif created by jimmy arca
dodgers nation vs hate gif created by jimmy arca
vote win march gif created by jimmy arca
ignore the chaos gif created by jimmy arca
vote ossoff.GIF
go all in.GIF
martin luther king quote gif created by jimmy arca
protect immigrant workers gif created by jimmy arca
save the 48 gif created by jimmy arca

#AMiNORMAL, featured animated gif

giphy (6).GIF

This animated gif of a child playing harmonica that I created in January 2021 was featured in the French mini docuseries #AMiNORMAL. The eight episode series deals with different mental disorders that are relatively new to the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manuel of Mental Disorders). 

My animation was purchased from the production team and it appears in the sixth episode about hoarders. The animated gif appears at the 8:50 mark.

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